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The ATARI XG-1 Light Gun
In this episode we learn about the history, mechanics, functionally and how to program the Atari XG-1 Light Gun to make our own shooting game
Programming Atari 2600 Paddles
In this episode, we unravel the mystery of the ATARI 2600 Paddle controllers - what they are, how they work, and most excitingly, how you can program them into your very own games!
Programming Asymmetrical Playfields, Decimals & Scoreboards on the ATARI 2600
A deep dive into the precision timing required to create asymmetrical playfields, how to create scoreboards, and how to use binary coded decimals.
Programming for Different World Regions on the Atari 2600
In this episode we learn about the formation and technical challenges of the 3 world broadcast standards and how you can program your own ATARI 2600 games to target one or more.
Debugging on the ATARI 2600 and Hacking Pitfall!
In this episode we demonstrate the debugging capability of the Stella emulator to trace yoru code and even hack other games.
Adding SOUND to your ATARI 2600 game
In this episode we talk about how sound is generated on the Atari 2600 using the Control, Frequency and Volume registers, along with a couple of examples in 6502 assembly language!
Random Numbers and the POWER of a Linear-feedback Shift Register
In this episode we talk about generating random numbers, and how they relate to linear-feedback shift registers that built the entire world of Pitfall in a single byte!
ATARI 2600 Monthly Subscription Box
In this episode of Quick Blits we try out the Retro Game Treasure monthly subscripton box to see what it's like for ATARI 2600 games.
How the ATARI 2600 and COMBAT Handle Collision Detection
In this episode we talk about collision detection, how it works, and the 15 registers we can use. We also explore how the game Combat handles collisions and bouncing missiles, and have a look at some example code to create a ball that bounces around the playfield. As always, sample code for the episode is available in our github. Learn to program games for the Atari 2600!